Branding and Identity design school brief:
Imagine and develop a brand for the future of... Social sustainability.
Briefing points:
Imagine a brand for a fictive client in an area of your choice
Develop your brand with a missions statement, brand values, name, logo, etc.
Document your brand and its applications
Demonstrate your brandmark’s versatility and extensions
inspired by my other classes in contemporary design issues, I chose to take a less obvious approach and try to imagine the future of social sustainability. the project might be a bit naive, but I believe it is our duty as designers to imagine a better world and work towards that end.
I made my project about creating an identity for a fictive organization whose job was to make sure no discrimination took place in fields where it could do the most damage. I took inspiration from many existing activist organisations like Amnesty, RFSU, RFSL, Makeequal, etc, and imagined if one such as them rose to more power and influence in the upholding of equal rights, as a recognised part in the workings of our society. I choose to simply call my brand "Accept.". Here are some pages from my final branding book.



this project was done in Australia, right about the time I was discovering the power and the many applications of design in the shaping of the world. as part of wanting to get into design activism, I used this project to explore speculative design, to help me manifest a vision of a society where discrimination would be fought more actively. one where the existence of a government founded organization with a mission to keep discrimination out of certain professions would be justified. I wanted to create a brand that was truly focused on promoting human well-being, as well as making sure a certain standard was upheld in other companies.
This was my very first attempt at branding and logo design, and looking back I do find it very rough and naive, but it is nonetheless an important project to me which taught me much.